By Dibi Milano


Pure Equalizer



This deeply cleansing facial is designed to clear out pores and control oil production.

Standalone £100

Package: 6 Treatments + Homecare System £600


Lift Creator

Loss of Volume/Sagging

Age recommendation: 30-50


An impressive facial designed to tighten skin that is starting to lose volume and beginning to sag. A combination of tightening ingredients and hyaluronic acid, to kickstart collagen production and plump lacklustre tissue.

Standalone £120

Package: 5 Treatments + Homecare System £600


Filler Code

Deep Wrinkles/Mature

Age Recommendation: 50+


A highly powerful anti aging solution. Clinically proven to 5 years off your skin age in just 2 weeks.

Standalone £145

Package: 5 Treatments + Homecare System £725