Avoid blood thinning over-the-counter medications such as Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen and Aleve.

    It is not necessary to stop blood thinners if you are appropriately counselled prior to the procedure regarding an increased risk of bruising, particularly if stopping these medications could lead to an increased risk of problems.

    It is helpful to eat a lot of leafy greens and celery prior to the appointment, as it will increase the levels of vitamin K, a known bruise preventer/reducer.

    Avoid supplements, including St. John’s Wort, Gingko biloba, primrose oil, garlic, ginseng and Vitamin E.

    For a week or two before treatment, eat fresh pineapple. It contains bromelain, an enzyme that is known to decrease bruising.


    Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A), Retinol, Retinoids, Glycolic Acid, or any “anti-aging” products.

    Avoid waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or using hair removal cream on the area to be treated.

    Do start taking Arnica two days prior to the procedure. (This is not required, but it will help to lessen bruising.)

    Avoid any depilatory treatments (hair removal, such as tweezing, waxing, etc.)

    Tell your practitioner if you are planning any chemical peel treatments or laser treatments as this may cause possible irritation at the treatment site.


    Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours prior. Alcohol can thin the blood making it easier for bruising to occur. It is best to avoid alcohol for a minimum of 3 days prior to injectable treatment.


    Arrive at the Clinic with a “clean face” —washed and without makeup.

    In order to maximize your comfort during the procedure, a topical anaesthetic may be applied.

    If you have a fever your appointment will be rescheduled.

    Hydrate and eat a large meal before filler and bring a snack to eat right before the injection.

    It is important to have a full meal before a filler appointment. As the Aesthetic practitioner are performing multiple treatments per day, there are times that appointments run over their scheduled time.

    The practitioners are committed to you and will stay as long as is required to give you the very best result. It is helpful for you to bring a snack if there is a waiting period longer than expected.

    Clear your schedule after filler so you can take time to ice your face and relax.


    The First hour

    Apply an ice pack and Arnica topically - Arnica + Bromelain tablets are both natural supplements to reduce bruising.

    Avoid itching, massaging, or picking around the injection site. This is normal and generally disappears within a few hours to a few days. If these symptoms last more than 3 days, please contact our salon.

    6-10 hours after

    Until the swelling and redness have resolved, avoid intense heat in the treated area(s). This includes sunbathing, tanning, saunas, hot tubs, or hot wax.

    If there is a visible bump, you can massage the area. Depending on the areas treated and the product used, you may feel “firmness.” These areas will soften and settle with time (usually 1-2 weeks).

    Sunscreen can be applied, and you may use a gentle cleanser on the area.

    Avoid drinking alcohol or partaking in strenuous exercise, as it may result in additional bruising.

    We recommend waiting at least a week after dermal fillers before doing any strenuous exercise, this will avoid the risk of infection.

    You shouldn’t do any strenuous exercise during that time, including yoga too. This is because inverted positions such as headstands could increase the risk of you suffering bruising and swelling.



    Appointments can be made by email, phone or via the website booking page. Your appointment time is reserved specifically for you. There is a convenient parking opposite the road to the clinic. You will receive an appointment reminder 48 hours before your scheduled appointment time via text message.



    We will discuss your expectations and after a facial examination we can advise you about what is possible in terms of treatment and answer any questions you may have. We are also able to provide information all of our treatments and explain in details of products and methods.


    Unforeseen circumstances can lead to delays, we are sympathetic to this. Please try and contact us if you know you are going to be delayed (if safe to do so). Any arrivals 15 minutes later than your booked appointment time may need to be rescheduled.


    As a service-based business, we can’t offer the standard 28 days returns policy. However, what we can do is take each and every client through a thorough consultation and give them all the information they need to make an informed decision. Although we do take deposits, we do not charge clients who choose not to proceed with treatment. For clients who experience dissatisfaction with their treatment results, we offer free reversal, where possible.


    If for any reason you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please give a minimum of 24 hours notice. Short term cancellations apply to any appointments cancelled within 24 hours of your appointment time and carry a fee of 50% the cost of your treatment.