Founded in 2018, Skin Stories is a new, forward thinking approach to body image.

With the generation of filters, influencers and photoshoppers well and truly upon us, it seems perfectly unreasonable to imagine that any normal person can live up to the standards of todays body image.

To add insult to injury, many of us find ourselves in a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t scenario, insecure about our developing frown lines but equally anxious about the judgement of others, should we succumb to the desire to take action, and actually do something about it.

But here’s the question: Why is it OK for us to alter our hair, style our clothes, and makeup our faces, yet find it so controversial to Botox our frown lines or plump up our skin? Where did we draw that line and who gets to erase it? Well, here we are, rubbers at the ready. Let’s shake things up, and open that dialogue.

Our Values


We won’t make you look like someone else.


You don’t need to change - we love the way the look, and you should too. But we know that sometimes, a few less scowl lines can work wonders, and if we can help you feel that little bit better, than neither of us should feel guilty about it.

We take your safety seriously.


We’ve all seen the horror stories and investigative journalism surrounding this industry. While much of it remains the Wild West, here at Skin Stories, we are focused on delivering a safe space for clients to get the treatments they want performed under strict hygiene standards. Furthermore, we make sure our practitioners are trained to fully understand risk assessment and complication protocol, so that any potential issues can be identified and treated at the point of care, to keep our clients safe and make sure we never hold the NHS accountable for our industry’s practise.

Sometimes, we have to say no.


All of our treatments are performed following a thorough consultation. If we find reason to believe a client is unsuitable to proceed for treatment, we will (and regularly DO) deny to treat at our own discretion.


Our Body Dysmorphia screening.


As part of our responsibility to care for our clients safety, we have developed a screening mechanism to help us identify signs of Body Dysmorphia. If we determine a client to display signs of this condition, we will refuse treatment, and may offer advice in contacting local or national welfare organisations.

Our promise to actively seek industry regulation.


As a legitimate business, we are passionate about safeguarding our clients and our practise. For that reason we welcome the regulation of our industry, and will do our upmost to hold whatever licenses/certifications available to help our clients and the general public feel confident about our presence.

No refunds


As a service based business, we can’t offer the standard 28 days returns policy. However, what we can do is take each and every client through a thorough consultation and give them all the information they need to make an informed decision.

Although we do take deposits, we do not charge clients who choose not to proceed with treatment.

For clients who experience dissatisfaction with their treatment results, we offer free reversal, where possible.